navigating inescapable moments

parent session



Life is an incredible journey, filled with countless moments that shape our teenagers' lives. Some moments bring joy and fulfilment, while others present challenges and hardships. We understand how important it is to acknowledge the significance of these moments and how they can deeply impact our teenagers' futures. As our teens grow, they will undoubtedly face situations that demand their attention and resilience. As parents, we must understand that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to guiding them through these experiences. Each teen's journey is unique, and there is no set expiration date for the duration of their navigation through these moments. Sometimes, our teens may find themselves juggling multiple challenges at once. It's essential to understand that it's not a question of "if" but "when". These moments will arise. In this session, Dubsy will provide parents with practical tools to support and lead their teens through their current and future moments by fostering growth and resilience.

Audience: Parents

Length: 60 mins


  • Parents will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of moments in their teenagers' lives and how these moments can shape their future. They will develop a heightened awareness of how their responses and guidance can impact their teens' journey. 

  • Parents will acquire practical tools and strategies to support their teenagers through inescapable moments. These tools will empower parents to navigate challenges alongside their teens effectively and provide valuable guidance when needed. 

  • Parents will realise that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting through these moments. They will learn to appreciate the uniqueness of their teenager's journey and embrace a personalised approach that acknowledges individual circumstances and needs. 

  • Parents will develop stronger connections with their teenagers. They will gain insights into effective communication, active listening, and empathetic understanding, leading to improved parent-teen relationships. This strengthened bond will provide a solid foundation for navigating future moments together.


“Navigating Inescapable Moments is the most memorable parent evening I have attended in a long while. Dubsy has crafted a relatable, impactive and unforgettable journey for families. They will leave having gained invaluable strategies, tools and fresh insights from someone working daily with their kids. I highly recommend Dubsy as a speaker & author.”


Parenting Educator, Author & Speaker

“An engaging presentation filled with insightful ideas and practical strategies to help parents support their teen through the 'inescapable moments' that are a part of the journey to adulthood. Dubsy shares his personal stories in relatable ways and is passionate about connecting with and responding to his audience.”

Janita Thomson

Lead Family Partnership, Mission Services Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools Office